Personal data processing
Information relative to the treatment of personal data
Declaration of privacy.
Declaration of Emaf srl about privacy.
For Emaf srl it is very important to guarantee privacy to its clients and, for this reason, it is involved in developing tecnology able to guarantee leading edge experience on the Web while offering the maximum protection. Most of our website can be explored without having to communicate to Emaf srl any personal information but, in some cases, it is necessary to supply some information to be able to use the services offered. In the Declaration about privacy, the mechanisms for the collection and treatment of data in these situations, is described. Vi invitiamo a leggere la dichiarazione per intero. Visiting the Emaf srl website, one agrees to the collection and treatment of data in the manner described in this document.
Collection of personal information
Personal information will be asked of you exclusively in the cases in which such information is necessary to identify you or to contact you. In general this happens in the case that it is necessary to register to use the services, for example to participate in a contest, subscribe to a newsletter, visit a website with limited access, or to purchase or register Emaf products. In most cases, the information collection on the Emaf webstie is limited to the email address, to the language and nationality of the user. However, to be able to use certain services, it is necessary to supply additional information.
In the case of the purchase or installation of a new product, it could be necessary to have to register electronically. In these cases, the registration information are filed along with eventual other information that has already been supplied by the user in a previous visito to Emaf srl’s website. This information together constitutes the user’s personal profile.
Use of the personal information
The personal information is mainly used for four purposes:
- To simplify the use of the site for the users, who will not have to insert the same information multiple times.
- To allow the user to find software products, services and information in Emaf srl’s website more easily.
- To allow Emaf srl to creat a site that is able to supply interesting and useful information to the users.
- To notifiy the users of the availability of updates for products, special offers, last minute information and new services offered by Emaf srl.
The information collected by Emaf srl can be shared with branches and controlled affiliates. In addition, in certain cases, Emaf srl relies on other companies to supply services of limited capacity, for example: for the packaging and the shipping of products, for answers to clients’ questions about products and services, for the normal mail service and for the elaboration of registration to events. Emaf srl, to said companies, supplies only the information necessary to guarantee the carrying out of the service and prohibits these companies from using this information for other purposes.
Emaf srl will reveal the personal information of users, without prior notification, only if requested by law, or if it feels that in good faith this is necessary for: (a) to absolve legal obligations and to conform to legal dispositions of laws pertinent to Emaf srl or the website; (b) to protect the rights or the property of Emaf srl and its websites and (c) to intervene in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of Emaf srl’s users, of its website or of the public in general.
Controllo delle informazioni personali
The personal information supplied by the user in the registration phase or in any other situation will not be supplied by Emaf srl to third parties without the consensus of the user, except in those cases indicated in the previous paragraph. The personal information will only be used for the reasons indicated above.
Emaf srl can occasionally send email messages about technical problems that involve the product or the services that the user avails himself of. It is not possible not to receive this information since they are considered an essential part of the service offered.
Access to personal information
Emaf srl supplies the users with the necessary instruments to verify that the personal information is correct and updated. It is possible to modify and update this information at any time in portal. The user can:
- Read or modify the personal information already given to Emaf srl.
- Communicate to Emaf srl if he wants to receive marketing information.
- To agree to receive by receive offers from other producers by postal mail.
- To subscribe or cancel the subscription to newsletters about Emaf srl services and products.
Protection of personal information
Emaf srl’s website unconditionally protects the privacy of the personal information supplied and guarantees that it be used on the basis of your requests. Emaf srl protects the personal data to avoid that it be lost, used inappropriately, published without authorization or lost.
The personal information is never supplied to third parties without the authorization of the user, except in the limited cases listed above. In Emaf srl the data is memorized on a server protected by password, with limited access.
Every user can carrying out an important role for the protection of his personal information. Nobody can read or modify your personal information without knowing your account Passport and relative password; therefore, we suggest not sharing it with others.
Utilizzo dei cookie
To publicize information that is useful for the client, Emaf srl’s website collects statistics from your visits to the website with the use of cookies. Specific information about the use of the website on behalf of each single user are not collected.
When a user visits the website for the first time, a cookie is copied into his computer (if it is configured to accept them), that is then read during following visits.
The Web technology used for the use of cookies is based on beaconing and is called “clear gif” technology. This technology allows us to know how many visitors have clicked on the key elements (for example links or images) on a page of Emaf srl’s website. This technology does not allow the access to personal information on Emaf srl’s website; it is, in fact, a method for the collection of statistical data on the use of Emaf srl’s website. Emaf srl does not supply the collected information to third parties and does not allow other companies to insert clear gif in Emaf srl’s websites.
If the system is set that it does not accept cookies, it will still be possible to visualize the text of the page, but you will not have the opportunity to make personalized visits, nor will you be able to subscribe to the services offered in the site.
Modifications to this Privacy Declaration
Emaf srl can occasionally update the present Privacy Declaration. In this case, the date, referred to a “Last Update”, indicated at the beginning of the declaration will be changed. In case substantial modifications are made to the content of the declaration, Emaf srl will see to informing the clients by publishing announcements in the Website.
To contact us
Emaf srl is happy to receive comments or suggestions about this Privacy Declaration. We invite you to to contact us at the email address or by regular mail.
Emaf srl
Via L. Galvani, 12 – 35030
Caselle di Selvazzano Dentro PADOVA