Emaf Industrial Shelves: Custom Installation for Chiaravalli Linear Center

Marco Cazzininstallations

In today’s dynamic business landscape, efficient storage space management is crucial to ensure smooth goods handling and optimize daily operations. Emaf Industrial Shelves stands as a reference point for tailored solutions in the field of shelving, providing personalized installation services to meet the specific storage needs of its clients.

A recent exemplary project by Emaf involved Chiaravalli Linear Center in Assago, a leader in the linear movement sector, which sought a custom solution to optimize the available space. The result? An elegant cantilever shelving, measuring 5000mm in height by 1200mm in width, equipped with four load levels and a sturdy base.

The choice of a compact cantilever, with a storage capacity of 2400 kg per level, highlights Emaf’s ability to adapt to the specific requirements of the client. The structure, consisting of three shelves for each level, offers ideal storage flexibility for the items proposed by Chiaravalli Linear Center.

The installation was carried out with the utmost precision and attention by Emaf Industrial Shelves’ team of experts, ensuring not only a solid and secure structure but also a design that seamlessly integrates into the working environment of Chiaravalli Linear Center.

This project underscores Emaf’s commitment to providing customized solutions that meet the specific needs of its clients.

If your company also requires a tailor-made storage solution, Emaf is ready to design and install the perfect cantilever shelving for your needs. Contact us for a personalized consultation and discover how we can enhance your storage space management.

Are you interested in a cantilever?

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